SiteLink Video

As bandwidth gets wider and attention spans get shorter, a brand can move to the medium that appeals to the masses. The masses want more videos. YouTube is the second most utilized search engine on the planet and brands have created their own channels that function as well-curated playlists. Perfecting the art of the branded video takes more than pressing record. The best videos tell stories, embody a brand's voice, engage customers, build communities and unify a company -- all in two minutes.

YouTube Video Length

  • 3 Minutes - The most popular videos are pretty short. After analyzing the length of the top 50 YouTube videos, the average length was 2 minutes 54 seconds
  • Snackable -A “snackable” video is a big trend in digital hotel marketing. Short videos are quick and easy to watch and they convey their messages more effectively than a longer video packed with more and varied information
  • Feature Highlights - Two to three 12 – 45 second videos that capture the unique features & amenities of the property act as great virtual tours