SiteLink Colors

Color is used to evoke emotion and express personality. It stimulates brand association and accelerates differentiation. In sequence of visual perception, the brain reads color after it registers shape and before it reads content.

SiteLink Blue

We are more than just blue, we are SiteLink blue.

Our official corporate color was a fairly easy decision. Blue is typically associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth and heaven. It is the color we use when we represent our corporate brand.

Corporate Colors

Our primary colors are the colors that are most closely associated with our brand — blue, dark grey and white.

When printing non-CMYK, use the appropriate Pantone color for the type of paper (Coated or Uncoated.) NOTE: Coated paper makes grey Pantone 426 C too dark, which is why Pantone 425 C is used.

SiteLink Blue

CMYK: 98 14 0 15
RGB: 0 137 196
Hex: #0089C4

SiteLink Grey

CMYK: 44 36 37 2
RGB: 149 149 149
Hex: #676766

SiteLink Blue
It Can Go Darker
And Darker
But Never Lighter

Secondary Colors

Secondary colors are specifically chosen to coordinate with blue. Use secondary colors as tints, overlays, and gradients for more depth and variation.

Lightest Grey

CMYK: 3 2 2 0
RGB: 243 243 243
Hex: #F3F3F3

Light Grey

CMYK: 37 29 28 0
RGB: 165 168 170
Hex: #A5A8AA

Attention Green

CMYK: 75 5 100 0
RGB: 65 173 73
Hex: #41AD49

Rich Black

CMYK: 20 20 20 100
RGB: 15 15 15
Hex: #0F0F0F

Accent Teal

CMYK: 69 12 32 0
RGB: 71 172 177
Hex: #47ACB1

Light Teal

CMYK: 31 4 14 0
RGB: 173 213 215
Hex: #ADD5D7

Accent Orange

CMYK: 0 74 99 0
RGB: 242 101 34
Hex: #F26522

Light Orange

CMYK: 0 39 53 0
RGB: 249 170 123
Hex: #F9AA7B

Accent Purple

CMYK: 80 93 11 1
RGB: 89 58 136
Hex: #593A88

Light Yellow

CMYK: 1 7 36 0
RGB: 255 232 175
Hex: #FFE8AF
